Information in English

Humanities and Education Science Academy (branch)

of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta

Department of Economics and Finance


III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference

with international participation

“Financial, economic and information support of region innovative development”

(Yalta, March 18-20, 2020)



Dear Colleagues!

III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Financial, economic and information support of the innovative development of the region" (FEIS IDR’2020) will take place on May 18 - 20, 2020 at Humanities and Education Science Academy (Branch) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta, Russia.

Students, post-graduate students, and faculty of higher education educational institutions are invited to participate in the conference.

Form of participation: full-time, part-time.

Russian and English are the official languages of the conference.

Topics of the Conference:

        1. The strategy of innovative development of the Russian economy: knowledge, innovation, competitive advantages.

        2. Financial and credit aspects of the innovative development of the regional economy.

        3. Actual problems of accounting and tax accounting.

        4. The study of directions for increasing the investment potential of the region.

        5. Improving information systems and technologies in the digital economy.

The terms of participation

To participate in the conference, please register on the conference website and send the completed application, abstract of the report and screenshot of the web page to the conference organizing committee by February 15, 2020, to the conference organizing committee, with the results of checking the text for plagiarism. Originality of the text - at least 75%.

Forms for registration of participants are presented on the conference website.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Based on the results of the conference, an electronic collection of conference materials will be generated, available on the conference website for free access.

According to the best reports of the conference, a printed collection of articles will be published.

The collection of articles will receive ISBN and indexation in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The conditions for obtaining the collection on the conference website.

The decision of the organizing committee to include the report in the conference program will be notified by e-mail no later than February 20, 2020.

Please note that travel, accommodation, and other expenses are paid by the sending party or by the participants themselves.

Authors of materials submitted for publication are personally responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the facts and provisions.

The organizing committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not correspond to the topics of the conference areas of work and design requirements, as well as those sent after the deadline.

For undergraduates and graduate students, a written recommendation (review) of the supervisor is required.

Registration of conference participants: March 18, 2020, from 10.00.

The conference starts at 12-00 at the address: Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch), Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, ul. Sevastopol, 2a

(travel from the bus station to the stop. "Spartak")

Contact information of the organizing committee:


298635 Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, ul. Sevastopol, 2a

E-mail of the Organizing Committee:

Conference website

Olifirov Alexander Vasilievich, t. +7978 079 48 95

Arkhipova Svetlana Vasilievna, t. +7978 760 59 74




Electronic version: MS Word 2003-2010, A4 format, Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.5, paragraph indent 1.25, abstract size - no more than 5 pages. Fields - 20 mm. No page breaks.

1 line. In the upper right corner is the name of the direction (section) (in bold).

2 line. In the left corner - the required UDC index (in bold).

3 line. In the middle of capital letters is the title of the article (in bold).

4 line. In the right corner, in italics, last name, initials, academic degree, academic rank, position, institution.

Further. Abstract, keywords and justified text.

Annotation in Russian and English (up to 4 sentences), keywords (English, Russian - up to 5 words);

After the text. Literature (no more than 5 titles, a link in the form [4, p. 7]).

Abstracts should be structured: statement of the problem; the wording of the purpose of the article; presentation of the main research material with a complete justification of the obtained scientific results; conclusions and suggestions for further research in this direction.

The name of the files should contain the name and initials of the author: Ivanov_article; Ivanov_ application; Ivanov anti-plagiarism; Ivanov_review (for students and graduate students).


Download application for participant

Download material design sample